VOLUNTEENS (Regular volunteering)

Spring, summer, and fall your (Gr. 6-12) middle school and high school teen can sign-up to volunteer at the library. Most teens are looking for hours for the honor society, CCD, or other organizations.

Teens come into the library and work at the following jobs-

  • tidying bookshelves
  • reading the shelves
  • putting together craft kits
  • shredding
  • weeding the collection
  • working events

Our busy months are February and March, when the Honors Society deadline falls. We recommend you start early to guarantee that you get a chance to volunteer. We limit the number of volunteers per day to three which means that if you leave it to the last week before your deadline, we may not have any availability. Volunteer appointments can only be made by phone. Once you are on our volunteer list you will receive emails for special event opportunities.

Please fill out the form because this is emergency information the library needs for anyone to volunteer. Once you sign up you can call us and set up a time volunteer. Click on the image above to sign up with our Google form to sign up for Summer 2024- May 2025 or click HERE.




(This is not regular volunteering . This is a leadership program.)

Every year, we put out a request for teens in grades 6-12 to join our Teen Advisory Board. This is a leadership program for teens to help the library develop library programs, new ways of communicating with teens, and special events. Teens can learn to work as a team, make friends, and earn volunteer hours, and it looks great on college applications. To gain all this, we ask that teens devote at least 10 hours during the year or complete a special project.

Our events for TAB and other volunteers include Kindness Week and the Craft A Gift event in December, as well as helping with children's and adult events. Sign up https://forms.gle/VeYG9w72c82wXGM99