Loan Policies

Circulation Periods / Fines

Books currently on reserve for other patrons cannot be renewed. One renewal allowed for all materials owned by Westchester Library System libraries (WLS)., Loans from outside WLS—4 week loan, no renewals.

New Books 2 weeks  N/A $0.10 per day
Books 3 weeks N/A $0.10 per day
Audio Books 3 weeks 4 at a time $0.10 per day
DVDs 1 week 4 at a time $0.50 per day
DVD Series 2 weeks 4 at a time $0.50 per day
Video Games* 2 weeks 4 at a time $2 per day
Music CDs 3 weeks 4 at a time $0.10 per day
Magazines 1 week 4 at a time $0.10 per day
Children's Puzzles 3 weeks 4 at a time $0.10 per day
Kits 3 weeks 4 at a time $2 per day
Games 3 weeks 4 at a time $1 per day
Museum Passes** 3 days  2 at a time $10 per day**

*Video games MUST be returned to Somers Library. Otherwise, there is a $2 fine.

**Museum Passes - A fine of $10 will be charged for each day the pass is late. There is a fine of $30 if the pass is returned in the book drop or to another library. The full cost of the pass will be charged to the cardholder if the pass is lost. The cost of each pass varies and can be as high as $500. For more information about museum passes, please go to our museum pass page.